Easter Egg Radishes The Easter Bunny would love these nice green tops. I hope he didn’t visit the garden last night!
Happy Spring!!
The red flowering currant is starting to bloom at the edge of the forest near the garden and you know what that means: Mr and Ms Rufous are back! They love this flower and every year around this time, its bloom signals the return of the rufous hummingbird. No wearing my red jacket in the [. . .]
a week ago
We drove down the road to Portland last week and while we were there a big ol’ windstorm hit our neck of the woods. We came home to a few trees like this one down in our little corner of the forest. Our long driveway was completely green in some places, covered with fallen branches [. . .]
spring again
It’s that time of year again…Spring!! The cherry tree is blooming full of it’s beautiful little pink flowers once again. But snow’s in the forecast this weekend. oh. oh. Check out this great little video featuring the ideas and words of Ira Glass…all truly important things to keep in mind when aspiring to be [. . .]
thoughts and inspiration
The other day when I was doing some winter cleaning of our kitchen cupboards, I found a jar of spearmint sugar I got at a farmer’s market a while ago. That stuff was so good!! Discovering it again made me think to check up on the makers, All Star Organics and I found this [. . .]
My cosmos post this morning made me think of this video from The Feynman Series by Victoria’s Reid Gower. So thought I’d post it here too……I happened upon it a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I hope you do too : )