No better time to look at my bright summery photos of cosmos flowers than a grey-rainy-chilly morning like this one. The center of a cosmos flower is remarkable, really…..look at that detail! Nature’s design. Cosmos are native to Mexico and South America. I read somewhere that missionary Spanish priests named this plant that grew in [. . .]
amaranth and grapevines
Check out these pails of beautiful amaranth that Shanti at Deacon Vale Farm grew in her garden! She harvested these for me a couple weeks ago so I could use them for some floral decor at a Mayne Island wedding. Aren’t they just the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?! I feel so lucky that [. . .]
cafe au lait dahlia
My days are full of flowers right now and I’m loving the stunning ruffly blooms of cafe au lait. So beautiful. I planted just 9 plants in a row this spring and I think I’ll have to plant more next year. They’re blooming like crazy these days and I love them grouped together in a [. . .]
hellebores are beautiful
I never really thought I liked hellebores that much but then one day a couple years ago, I saw a photo of a bouquet someone made with them and I changed my mind. Now I realize they are a magnificent addition to my garden and I love having such a flowery sort of flower blooming [. . .]
Happy Christmas!
Ok! I’m done. My jobs are finished for now. What a good feeling. I’m going to take a week long break! I had lots of fun today zooming along the island roads delivering winter salad shoots, microgreens and yuletide bouquets to happy folks. It really was so much fun. I became so unexpectedly busy this [. . .]
island flowers
Sometimes when I’m doing lots of flower arrangement projects or if there’s a lull in the flower blooming in my garden, I like to get flowers from other farms and gardens on Mayne Island. This week, I was lucky enough to get lots of beautiful roses, zinnias and sunflowers from Brian and Michelle at Raylia [. . .]