Wow, it’s the first day of fall.
Apple abundance is always a part of this transition time of year in the garden.
Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees, gardens and orchards hangs out around here, I’m sure I feel her presence. I read somewhere that the pruning knife was her sacred tool!
This is a Gravenstein and we’ve been munching on them since the end of August. We like them sun-kissed, right off the tree. Such a treat, so crisp and sweet. Gravensteins and Spartans are a nice combo to have growing in a garden because of their different ripening times, flavours and characteristics.
oh.oh. Looks like I’ll work on finding my inner Pomona today. This is what happens when an apple tree gets overly ambitious and produces too much fruit for it’s own good. We had some lovely sunny warm days when this tree was flowering so the bees were able to do a very good pollination job and the tree is heavy with apples. I need to remember to be more careful about thinning and helping the fruit trees, just like Pomona would do….
Autumn in the garden, a time for me to appreciate the abundant harvests, a time to take stock of what was and contemplate what will be. A time to regroup and organize, to reclaim some balance in life after the busy spring and summer. A time to weed, clean and tidy up and prepare the beds for fall plantings (garlic!) and next spring’s plantings too.
Taking a deep breath. Happy fall equinox!
Your sprouted mixture is just great ! Got ‘em at Root Cellar, but I see other places closer to us also. Really, what a delight.